“I had the same thing happen to me in Grade 7. When I broke down, [the teacher] tried to console me by saying another student also couldn’t see her father because he was out of the country. I have absolutely no idea what they were thinking.” —u/bool_idiot_is_true —u/OldSpeckledHen —u/PersonMcNugget —u/oblivionkiss “I had a similar experience that really took the wind out of my sails when it came to giving a sh*t about school at all. My math teacher didn’t teach; they just gave busy work like telling us to solve 100 equations every day. Then, the same for homework. I couldn’t manage to keep doing it, so I got a really bad grade. When the final exam came, I got a 98 on it, but they refused to pass me even though I clearly knew the material I was supposed to have learned, because ‘doing the work is the most important part of your grade.’ Not sure why they thought I needed to repeat a class I already knew the material for, but I digress.” —u/Zenki_s14 —u/plasmac9