—u/nonchalant_storm “I’ve had this one. Little did they know I make terrible coffee because I hate the stuff. So I made coffee for a few weeks until they asked me to stop hahahahaha.” —u/whenwillitbenow The worst, one other woman joined the team, and at our staff meeting, which was right after lunch, the guys would talk about the ‘restaurant’ they had lunch at, where the waitresses were topless. It was disgusting to hear them talk. So disrespectful. It was the worst experience in my entire career." —u/whatswrongwmeself —u/muppetmaniac —u/strong-4 —u/vizslalvr

29  Female Duties  Men Asked Women To Do At Work - 8529  Female Duties  Men Asked Women To Do At Work - 3929  Female Duties  Men Asked Women To Do At Work - 3129  Female Duties  Men Asked Women To Do At Work - 33